Rooibos Cancerbush Tea 100g, tea bags
This rooibos blend tastes clearly like malt with a slightly woody note. A pleasant bitter spiciness develops in the finish. The peat aromas are very reminiscent of a good peat whiskey, but are of course non-alcoholic.
The mixture share of the Cancerbush is around 15 percent.
If you brew the tea fresh, the smoky component of the Cancerbush unfolds in combination with the Rooibos.
Then added to this is the sweet smell: a successful composition, especially for cold days.
Cancerbush (Sutherlandia frutescens) is a South African plant species that is also known in Germany as balloon pea. It is one of the most famous medicinal plants in South Africa, which is mainly due to the biologically active plant substances (adaptogens).
Rooibos Company GmbH
Wacholderweg 8
89547 Gerstetten
Country of origin: Republic of South Africa